are the melvins done for?

Started by pottyfuck, November 22, 2003, 10:12:11 PM

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are the melvins finished?
i mean i would think this because theres a tribute album coming out and they havent really brought us any new music in a while.

im just wondering, i hope they arent though.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Let's see here...Would you say Metallica were 'finished'? They've been the subject of countless tribute albums and have released a new record this year. The Melvins have been subject to a few tribute albums and have released a new album this year. And last year. And the year before that...

Are you sensing a pattern here? Sheesh! You would have thought that with the Melvins prodigous release rate people could have coped withg a few months that didn't bear a new album...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


And I'm seeing them twice next month!

They're not breaking up anytime soon. I think.


what have they released this year? :)
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Quote from: Lunicawhat have they released this year? :)

26 Songs. Like it or not it technically counts as a new release...

And the HAT singles, thinking about it...And there's the live 7" coming out next week...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


ah, i forgot that 26 songs was released this year :P
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.


Quote from: Reverend EbeneezerLet's see here...Would you say Metallica were 'finished'? They've been the subject of countless tribute albums and have released a new record this year. The Melvins have been subject to a few tribute albums and have released a new album this year. And last year. And the year before that...

Are you sensing a pattern here? Sheesh! You would have thought that with the Melvins prodigous release rate people could have coped withg a few months that didn't bear a new album...

yeah but theres one thing that metallica has that melvins dont have, the ability to suck total ass.
so there :twisted:

i was just wondering and i got my answer, thank you.

and yes i am aware that my little remark about metallica has nothing to do with what you said.


Quote from: Reverend Ebeneezer
Quote from: Lunicawhat have they released this year? :)

26 Songs. Like it or not it technically counts as a new release...

And the HAT singles, thinking about it...And there's the live 7" coming out next week...

ah yes, but its not necesarily new music is it.

26 songs is just the 10 songs album and demos from that album no?


Quote from: pottyhead
Quote from: Reverend EbeneezerLet's see here...Would you say Metallica were 'finished'? They've been the subject of countless tribute albums and have released a new record this year. The Melvins have been subject to a few tribute albums and have released a new album this year. And last year. And the year before that...

Are you sensing a pattern here? Sheesh! You would have thought that with the Melvins prodigous release rate people could have coped withg a few months that didn't bear a new album...

yeah but theres one thing that metallica has that melvins dont have, the ability to suck total ass.
so there :twisted:

i was just wondering and i got my answer, thank you.

and yes i am aware that my little remark about metallica has nothing to do with what you said.

Man, Metallica's new album really sucks ass!    Some of the lyrics are like "keep on shootin' me, i ain't dead yet".   Man, St. Anger is even worse than Reload!


i never liked metallica  :)
they just... annoy the hell outta me!
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.


Quote from: Lunicai never liked metallica  :)
they just... annoy the hell outta me!

i know how you feel.


Reverend Ebeneezer

I'd say 26 songs counts as new material, after all those demos have never been released before. I'm not backing down on this one!

Incidentally, I apologise if I caused any undue offence in my curt response and I understand your desire to hear more Melvins music but surely if you've made it to the board you could asscertain whether the band was dead or not simply by looking through the main site...

And for the record, Metallica are a great drunken-headbang band...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


Quote from: pottyhead
yeah but theres one thing that metallica has that melvins dont have, the ability to suck total ass.
so there :twisted:

Pottyhead, I challenge you to write a rock album equal to the eloquent genius and style of "And Justice for All".

Give credit where credit is due. We're not talking about your generic thrash metal, babe.



Master of Puppets is still a classic in my book.