10/04/2005 Koko London, UK w/ Trevor Dunn on bass for ATP

Started by musefreek, October 05, 2005, 03:41:21 AM

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I came from Derby, on the train, on my own (why doesnt anyone i know love the melvins like i do?), straight after work, got home at 2.30am and went to work the next day, and i would do it again tomorrow, melvins rule.

I hope "guy chucking locks about in front of buzz" wasnt the mentalist with v long hair stood on my right who was headbanging into my shoulder before they even came on and then gave me several bruises diving about, if so, thanks.  Nearly as disconcerting as the drunk guy in the queue who told me he hadnt really heard the melvins but he prayed to kurt cobain who told him to come, and various other ramblings about jumping in the thames (which i didnt bother discouraging).
Not as bad as getting blatantly groped at last years fantomas show :x.
All still worth it though.
I thought part chimp were cool but didnt really dig the deerhoof thing except the strange little dance she did behind the security guy, that made me chuckle. :lol:

Reverend Ebeneezer

Ha! That bloke in the queue was so funny, I was stood right in front of him and his constant "Far out...Jesus!" exclaimations will stay with me forever. Kurt's looking down... :lol:

And no, I headbanged into no-one's shoulder as I was leant over the barrier.
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


I'm so fucking gutted I couldn't make it to this show (really, really skint).

I'm a big fan of Deerhoof as well so it doubly stings.

Happy that it was so good, though. I hope I can get a decent quality bootleg at some point.

I didn't think I'd feel so fucking gutted but I tell you, I'm hurting.


here are all those vids i recorded, pretty bad quality though... but whatever.

Hooch - http://media.putfile.com/Hooch71

Night Goat - http://media.putfile.com/NightGoat

Lizzy - http://media.putfile.com/Lizzy57

Goin' Blind - http://media.putfile.com/GoinBlind

Honey Bucket - http://media.putfile.com/HoneyBucket

Hag Me - http://media.putfile.com/HagMe

Set Me Straight - http://media.putfile.com/SetMeStraight

Sky Pup - http://media.putfile.com/SkyPup

Joan of Arc - http://media.putfile.com/JoanofArc74

Spread Eagle Beagle - http://media.putfile.com/SpreadEagleBeagle

Obviously Didn't Film all the songs, only parts of some. but it looked like they were filming it themselves anyway!



"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.


 Ian Gittins
Friday October 7, 2005
The Guardian

Seattle's Melvins' footnote in rock history rests on their huge influence on Kurt Cobain. In the mid-80s, so enamoured were the teenage Cobain and Kris Novoselic of the hometown metal trio that they adopted them as the musical template for Nirvana; Cobain frequently roadied for them.

Much revered but rarely seen, tonight the veteran band play their seminal 1993 album Houdini in its entirety for All Tomorrow's Parties' Don't Look Back festival. By then Nirvana were a global phenomenon, and Cobain co-produced Houdini as a partial return to the underground scene he valued so dearly.

It's immediately clear Melvins have not aged well, either musically or visually. Singer/guitarist Buzz Osbourne, the group's creative fulcrum, is now a porky figure buried beneath a voluminous grey Afro, resembling nothing so much as a grunge rock Don King. More telling is the band's complete lack of musical inventiveness. They play an inchoate, ponderous rock, heavily beholden to the sludge metal of Black Sabbath and utterly lacking in the melodies, poetry and insatiable yearning that Nirvana brought to the mix.

Cobain revered Melvins' authenticity, but while the bludgeoning riffs of Going Blind or the grotesque Hag Me may be cathartic, they are also preposterously boring. The lugubrious stoner metal of Goat Head could have been recorded any time between 1973 and today.

It's witless stuff that belies its creators' legendary status. Tonight, Don't Look Back appears to be eminently sensible advice.


Ace! Although they dissed Goat Head, which is my favourite song :(
For your health!


What went wrong in Gittins childhood? He really exposese himself when he concentrates on the visual, on how Buzz & co looks. Maybe his boyfriend
left him that evening?  :shock:


I bet that guy is sore because he wasnt breastfed as a child.
or maybe he was breastfed by a man.


Quote from: klump on October 10, 2005, 03:42:19 PM
I bet that guy is sore because he wasnt breastfed as a child.
or maybe he was breastfed by a man.

We've all been there.
For your health!


i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.


that is the funniest thing i've read in sometime. quite suprising a music journalist didn't realise names of songs and the ones that are covers. hmmmmm. Call it Grunge and suddenly everybody's an expert.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...

Pulsator Organum

Quote from: Andy on October 10, 2005, 01:25:21 PM
Ian Gittins

Seattle's Melvins' footnote in rock history rests on their huge influence on Kurt Cobain. In the mid-80s, so enamoured were the teenage Cobain and Kris Novoselic of the hometown metal trio that they adopted them as the musical template for Nirvana; Cobain frequently roadied for them.

Much revered but rarely seen, tonight the veteran band play their seminal 1993 album Houdini in its entirety for All Tomorrow's Parties' Don't Look Back festival. By then Nirvana were a global phenomenon, and Cobain co-produced Houdini as a partial return to the underground scene he valued so dearly.

It's immediately clear Melvins have not aged well, either musically or visually. Singer/guitarist Buzz Osbourne, the group's creative fulcrum, is now a porky figure buried beneath a voluminous grey Afro, resembling nothing so much as a grunge rock Don King. More telling is the band's complete lack of musical inventiveness. They play an inchoate, ponderous rock, heavily beholden to the sludge metal of Black Sabbath and utterly lacking in the melodies, poetry and insatiable yearning that Nirvana brought to the mix.

Cobain revered Melvins' authenticity, but while the bludgeoning riffs of Going Blind or the grotesque Hag Me may be cathartic, they are also preposterously boring. The lugubrious stoner metal of Goat Head could have been recorded any time between 1973 and today.

It's witless stuff that belies its creators' legendary status. Tonight, Don't Look Back appears to be eminently sensible advice.

the drunk guy in the queue who told me he hadnt really heard the melvins but he prayed to kurt cobain who told him to come,

Are these people one and the same?!?


likely enough...though we all know how many kurdt-disciples there are out there that go to melvins' shows and even write reviews....eek
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo


Quote from: reptilebetty on October 08, 2005, 08:29:59 PM
I came from Derby, on the train, on my own (why doesnt anyone i know love the melvins like i do?), straight after work, got home at 2.30am and went to work the next day, and i would do it again tomorrow, melvins rule.

I hope "guy chucking locks about in front of buzz" wasnt the mentalist with v long hair stood on my right who was headbanging into my shoulder before they even came on and then gave me several bruises diving about, if so, thanks.  Nearly as disconcerting as the drunk guy in the queue who told me he hadnt really heard the melvins but he prayed to kurt cobain who told him to come, and various other ramblings about jumping in the thames (which i didnt bother discouraging).
Not as bad as getting blatantly groped at last years fantomas show :x.
All still worth it though.
I thought part chimp were cool but didnt really dig the deerhoof thing except the strange little dance she did behind the security guy, that made me chuckle. :lol:

Hehe, saw him too, stood next to you guys for a while, i've got reaaaaaly red hair... Came there from Sweden all alone, it was worth everything, so fucking great show!