New Interview with Buzzo

Started by black stallion, July 29, 2020, 01:12:54 PM

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Quote from: ))))(((( on August 07, 2020, 09:33:24 AM
Quote from: CoryCory on August 07, 2020, 08:03:00 AM
Based on some notable musicians and their respective controversies I doubt this will amount to much in the long term.
Agreed. It only seems like a story in the Melvins fan circles. No one else is picking it up or throwing mud......yet. This Shitkid development is interesting. I've been reading Asa's comments over on their FB page. It does give the impression that Buzz and co didn't really do anything wrong. That it was more her who took offense or the lines of communication were a bit poor from both sides. Also her attitude make it seem like she would be almost impossible to work with.

Thumbed through the same thread and got the same impression.

Imagine having the mentality that a world-renowned band who had a hand in pioneering two genres needs to walk eggshells around you. ShitKid are a fucking joke.  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Quote from: Oscar on August 08, 2020, 04:21:11 PM
The detestable nature of this move aside
Agreed. However that being true, if anyone has any scans of it, i'd definitely like to give it a read.

Surely someone has a copy of this here right??

vince furnier

here's the offending artwork The Melvins wanted to use. by V Hazelmyer, a young woman.  :facepalm:  ](*,)
Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery


I want a copy of the book just to have Buzz sign it. However, I won't be giving them any of my money. What they are doing is gross and they don't deserve it.

I listened to the podcast yesterday in its entirety. Here is my takeaway:

1. I am absolutely NOT shocked by anything Buzzo said. It just seemed like another interview.
2. GM is a certified tool and shouldn't be allowed to speak, ever.
3. If anything, Melvins only stand to lose some casual fans who probably had no idea he leans conservative. I can see some others really taking this to heart, and that's totally fine. It's their call. 

My only real concern is some of their more questionable art work and merchandise being taken out of context by bored music journalists and hipsters. Just wait til they see the trilogy vinyl! They'll immediately notice the huge red and black swastika, but won't bother to flip it and see the Star of David. All of the imagery represents symbols of hate, but that's the only one they will see. Just wait til they hear Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World and spin that a new one.

The biggest disappointment for me is the fact that he sat in with GM, but I'm over it. I am confident in myself enough to move forward and carry on. Unless the Trump administration starts using Honeybucket at rallies. If that happens we will have no choice but to pack up and move to Australia :lol:


Quote from: vince furnier on August 08, 2020, 05:07:35 PM
here's the offending artwork The Melvins wanted to use. by V Hazelmyer, a young woman.  :facepalm:  ](*,)

Despite this going public, please modify the V to protect her privacy. Thank you.


Quote from: JUDY on August 08, 2020, 05:10:49 PM

My only real concern is some of their more questionable art work and merchandise being taken out of context by bored music journalists and hipsters. Just wait til they see the trilogy vinyl! They'll immediately notice the huge red and black swastika, but won't bother to flip it and see the Star of David. All of the imagery represents symbols of hate, but that's the only one they will see. Just wait til they hear Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World and spin that a new one.

Very good point.

I think most people do too many interviews in general. Talking shit is a popular currency these days, and Buzz has probably never said no to a generic interview request. The questions and approaches rarely change, it's essentially the same fodder that 90s TV types were churning out and artists were already bored of then (and also lit the interviewers up for, but mellowness in age prevails).

Obviously it's on me to listen, but I'd probably be better off not hearing how e.g. "weird" and "out there" the opening bands are that Melvins hand-picked, when they've all been generously mediocre and deritative since the BB/Porn tours. Not saying good old days, just saying.

Edit: Tweak Bird is alright


That is pretty ordinary that she's trying to make money off this by selling the text messages in a zine.


Those dumb punk kids will buy anything.


It should be hard to stick the Melvins as alt-right if you take Jelvins into consideration. "Should" clearly doesn't apply in cancel culture because stupidity. But yes, I've worried for how that appropriated fascist imagery would fare in this modern age if anything ever came up like this. Weirdly enough that probably makes me a Nazi memorabilia hoarder for being glad I got my original Electroretard before it could be canceled.


aside from anything that Buzz said in this (which isn't any worse than anything else he has said up to this point), the big takeaway i seem to be getting from this is people are appalled that he sat down with Gavin in the first place. But honestly, was he even aware of "who" he was?  Was anybody really aware of how shitty this guy was back then? i mean, even now, when the whole thing came up, i had to look up who the guy was. i don't follow any of this stuff. do we know that buzz would have had any clue who or what the proud boys were in early 2018?


Quote from: Manky on August 09, 2020, 08:59:21 AM
aside from anything that Buzz said in this (which isn't any worse than anything else he has said up to this point), the big takeaway i seem to be getting from this is people are appalled that he sat down with Gavin in the first place. But honestly, was he even aware of "who" he was?  Was anybody really aware of how shitty this guy was back then? i mean, even now, when the whole thing came up, i had to look up who the guy was. i don't follow any of this stuff. do we know that buzz would have had any clue who or what the proud boys were in early 2018?

He's relatively famous. He co-founded Vice magazine. He was all over the news in 2016 with his Proud Boys bs. Hard to believe Buzz never heard of him, but who knows?

Funny about the shitkid "hating men is healthy" pic. I hope she titles it "I don't understand irony".


Quote from: Pelican on August 09, 2020, 09:31:59 AM

He's relatively famous. He co-founded Vice magazine. He was all over the news in 2016 with his Proud Boys bs. Hard to believe Buzz never heard of him, but who knows?

i had to look up who it was in 2020 because just hearing the name meant nothing to me. i had to figure out why people were upset. once i saw it i thought "oh yeah, that guy". it's not impossible.


Quote from: Manky on August 09, 2020, 01:23:42 PM
Quote from: Pelican on August 09, 2020, 09:31:59 AM

He's relatively famous. He co-founded Vice magazine. He was all over the news in 2016 with his Proud Boys bs. Hard to believe Buzz never heard of him, but who knows?

i had to look up who it was in 2020 because just hearing the name meant nothing to me. i had to figure out why people were upset. once i saw it i thought "oh yeah, that guy". it's not impossible.

Hope I didn't come off like everybody should know who he is. Like I said earlier on, he was on my radar long before his PB crap, with his "pissing in public" video, which is some good comedy. He had a follow up video about how to dress like a man, which I also found funny at the time, but after he went full chauvinist fascist dickhead, that one has aged terribly. Maybe a bit of foreshadowing of what was to come. I was genuinely surprised when he became the Proud Boys guy and started being super outspoken about his messed up views.

linoleum blownapart

Where do you think the Jew 'fro comes from?
thrower of the bong water balloons