Questions i'd like to ask Buzz

Started by ))))((((, August 25, 2020, 10:01:28 AM

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I wonder if a Melvins+Tool+Jello Biafra album is in the works?  They're all clearly friends.
Buttholeman is a power tripping emotional abuser.  He censors my posts and says I need mental health help.  He's a jerk.  Please don't listen to him.  People DO love and respect your opinions.  I'm one of those people.  I love you. PM me if you're stressed.

Start with the following link if you feel sad:


This thread crept into my dream last night. I was tagging along to a Buzz interview and the interviewer didn't show up. It was finally my chance to ask all the song title and lyric questions that plague me. But I woke up before we actually got to the interview.

Goddamn mystery meanings.


Quote from: amazonAMAZON on September 04, 2020, 11:37:45 AM
It was finally my chance to ask all the song title and lyric questions that plague me.
Yes!! I'd like to ask about that too! Rather annoyingly i'd want detailed, thorough answers too. However i suspect Buzz would just reply that he saw those words/phrases somewhere and just jotted them down on a list. No big, grand underlining meaning or such.

Hands First Flower

Hi folx- longtime listener here, hardly ever post here, thanks for having me here.
I have a theory that a lot of the melvins/buzzo song lyrics are about people / characters / events in movies, Buzz is obliquely describing movie scenes and or storylines.
My first time really pondering this theory was The Bride Screamed Murder. I think the record is a sound version of a movie, not a soundtrack per se, a movie unto itself- or maybe a script, or screenplay, or whatever fancy word there is for the idea. The structure of the track sequencing and the way the songs play out line up for me. Even the cover art design brings to mind a movie, mine anyway.

Quote from: ))))(((( on September 04, 2020, 12:41:39 PM
Quote from: amazonAMAZON on September 04, 2020, 11:37:45 AM
It was finally my chance to ask all the song title and lyric questions that plague me.
Yes!! I'd like to ask about that too! [...] No big, grand underlining meaning or such.
What a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?


I think that's a valid theory, Handsy. A Walk With Love and Death is a John Huston film, Buzz's favorite director.


Probably all quite true. Im sure a lot of song writers use existing art (film, comics, news stories etc) as inspiration or influence in writing what they write. Sometimes bands state that they have wrote a concept record while other times im sure some acts keep that fact slightly veiled. Left to the listener to discern and piece together.

Dumpster D

I don't have any specific questions for Buzz, it would be cool just talking about random stuff without much of a context, and Just joke around a bit.


Having just noticed that Dale follows Federer, Djokovic and Nadal on Instagram, i really want to ask him about tennis now!!!

black stallion

Quote from: ))))(((( on September 06, 2020, 07:01:38 PM
Having just noticed that Dale follows Federer, Djokovic and Nadal on Instagram, i really want to ask him about tennis now!!!

I think his wife is into tennis too


Have you guys noticed that when they play live, Buzz fairly often puts his (i think?) guitar pick in or to his mouth between the songs or in the moments where he is waiting to play? I wonder why he does that. Just something i've notcied a few times now.

Mount Ambulance

Quote from: ))))(((( on November 15, 2022, 01:39:53 PM
Have you guys noticed that when they play live, Buzz fairly often puts his (i think?) guitar pick in or to his mouth between the songs or in the moments where he is waiting to play?



Quote from: ))))(((( on November 15, 2022, 01:39:53 PM
Have you guys noticed that when they play live, Buzz fairly often puts his (i think?) guitar pick in or to his mouth between the songs or in the moments where he is waiting to play? I wonder why he does that. Just something i've notcied a few times now.
most guitarists do.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.

linoleum blownapart

easy place to stick it for finger pickin' then back to pick pickin'  beats putting in your the mumu gots no pockets.
thrower of the bong water balloons


i would love a business journalist to do a story on the economics of the melvins.  how their revenue streams work, what their release/merch/tour planning looks like. even without hard numbers it could be fascinating.   they have become a model of surviving and thriving for decades in the music biz as a 100% independent outfit.  it's a pretty rare thing.

dead mike

Quote from: Nizamark on November 16, 2022, 01:53:39 PM
i would love a business journalist to do a story on the economics of the melvins.  how their revenue streams work, what their release/merch/tour planning looks like. even without hard numbers it could be fascinating.   they have become a model of surviving and thriving for decades in the music biz as a 100% independent outfit.  it's a pretty rare thing.
melvins are a multi-level marketing scheme that goes no higher than the basement. Their NFTs are traded on FTX.
Can you all shut your damn cocks for one second? Music is the only thing that's real in this queef world of dildo ass chodes.

              - hemispheres